
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Glass Casket Collection -- Gothic Red

no blanket
This glass-topped casket allows your friends to see you while you sleep, but you cannot see out when you are within the coffin as the interior is white marble. On the outside is a delicate bronze/gold on glass. The casket has crushed velvet cushion and pillow.

The casket has a classic Dracula pose with arms crossed at the chest. This casket is yes copy, no mode, no transfer. and has three (3) prims. It's partial mesh.

with blanket
This glass-topped casket allows your friends to see you while you sleep, but you cannot see out when you are within the coffin as the interior is red marble. On the outside is a delicate gold carvings etched against bronze, glass. The casket has crushed velvet cushion and pillow. When you lay down you're covered with a blanket with rich crushed velvet of red and yellow colors busting forth complementing the Gothic red cushion and pillow. 

The casket has a classic Dracula pose with arms crossed at the chest. This casket is yes copy, no mode, no transfer. and has four (4) prims. It's partial mesh.