
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Valentine's Day Love Seat

valentine's day love seat
This love seat was originally made with a Valentine's Day heart tree behind it, but for those of you who want this love seat for your patio, I detached the heart tree and made this available alone.

The love seat has heart cushions as well as a purple fabric with hearts on the texture. There are two sits one "male" and one "female." These sits are not on the traditional colored poseballs, but the "male" sit is white with red hearts textured poseball and the other is the same color as the love seat. 

The Valentine's Day love seat is yes mod, yes copy, no transfer so that you can adjust the sits according you your needs. Unfortunately, I don't have another pocket avatar that I can have help me with the sits! I am happy to help you adjust the poses inworld; just send me a notecard, in case I am not online!