
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Rose Valentine's Day Heart Flowerbeds

red rose valentine heart flower bed with particles
A wonderful addition for your garden on Valentine's Day a rose heart with heart-shaped flower bed with either yellow or red or white roses. The red flower bed has red rose petal particles and the yellow and white heart particles. The particle hearts are light red and dark red.

To turn off the particles for the yellow rose bed: /3 heart on or /3 heart off

To turn off the particles for the red rose bed: /2 rose on or /2 rose off
yellow rose valentine heart flower bed

To turn off the particles for the white rose bed: /4 heart on or /4 heart off

This way you can turn them off on different channels if you do not want a certain particle floating around your garden.

Remember that yellow roses mean friendship, red roses represent love and white roses mean innocence.

Happy Valentine's Day to your and your sweetie!

white rose valentine heart flowerbed with particles
Builder's Note: Please drop a note if the open chat channels do not work when you try to turn off or on the particles!