styles 1 and 2 |
This fatpak includes both styles one and two of the Vampire Thrones Collection in Gothic purple. The purple is a rich crushed velvet that offsets the beauty of the gold and black leather and the black and gold studded leather chairs. These chairs are fit for any who is king or queen of their castle or mansion. These chairs are made specifically to match the interior of the Vampire Castle and Mansion (The mansion hasn't been released yet.). These chairs have a total of eight prims and they are both yes copy, no mod, and no transfer. Style one is on the left and Style 2 is on the right in the above picture.
Gothic blue |
These thrones also come in a Gothic blue fatpak. In each throne there are three sits: formal, informal, and bored poses. In the Style 1 throne, the sits are located in each of the cushions and in Style 2 the sits are in the frame, and in the headrest and seat cushion.