There is nothing sexier then a silk that falls properly around your body. This silk is the highest prim outfit that Atlantis Jewell Creations has made to date. Each of the onyx gemstones have been placed by hand making up the nipple cups, prim belt, prim undies, arm bracelets, and thigh bracelets. This outfit has over 350 prims and is only transfer. Normally my outfits are modify, however, with the intricate parts on the prim belt and undies, I felt that this outfit could be too easily messed up. I am happy to make adjustments for you since these outfits are only transferable, you can hand me the silk, and I can rezz it and then fit it to your body. IM me for this service.

I must expound on the prim panties. I have been unable to give my customers the option of clothing removal by rip scripts until now. The prim panties have the rip script, so that you significant other may either slip them off of you or rip them off, depending on the desire of the moment.

This silk also features a lovely bracelet and ring. The bracelet is spiral and has onyx strips across the spirals. The ring is worn on the right index finger. It too is spiral and has onyx stones on it. The onyx gemstones are set in platinum and only the bracelet has bling. The earrings are a double drop of onyx gemstones cupped by a shell of platinum, and connected with wire of platinum, these are put into your ears with a a fishhook earring hook.

The silk also features a strip of onyx stones, from the belly button down to the panties connected with a platinum wire strung through the gemstones.
The prim belt and panties are "hooked" together with a wire of platinum, however, because the prim panties have 172 prims and the prim belt has 131 prims these items could not be linked together because Linden Labs only allows us to link a maximum of 256 prim together at one time.
This boudoir silk is a lovely silk and it has three clothing removal points making it a deluxe silk and only L$500. This silk is available to purchase at the store and on the SLX.